$35.00 USD

One Day FORCE Basics Workshop

In this captivating workshop, renowned artist Mike Mattesi passionately shares the foundations of his unique and powerful FORCE Drawing Approach with a group of inspired art students.

With numerous demonstrations that showcase the energy and vitality of the FORCE method, Mike leads the audience through a transformative journey of discovery and learning.

Through his inspiring teachings, you'll learn how to draw with FORCE, and feel motivated to explore your own creative potential. So, join us and follow along with the audience as you learn the secrets of the FORCE Drawing Approach and take your art to the next level!

What you'll get:

  • Lots of awesome drawing demos!
  • 2 hours of inspired content!
  • Learn what the FORCE Line is and how to draw and use it.
  • The tools of Directional and Applied FORCEs
  • The answer to whey we draw the figure.
  • A way to measure without measuring the model.
  • Using Metaphors for the figure
  • Grasping the FORCE of Gravity and its importance on figure drawing.
  • Bonus: quick tips on perspective and depth for figure drawing.


What People Are Saying:

I want to give you a HUGE thanks to yesterday's lecture.. it was really wonderful & the animators received a lot of benefit from it. I feel like you really taught us a lot of great techniques, and personally I really got a sense of what I could do to help our poses read much stronger. I especially liked the discussions on force (AWESOME!) and watching you draw over our poses to see what your thought process was. It was incredibly inspiring to see your work, I found myself often glancing over at your quick drawing and going "oh crap!" and then working harder to discover the lines I wanted. I really feel like the animators progressed quite a bit yesterday, even those of us who aren't the best at illustration. :) Oh, and just so you know.. the animators were already asking when you'd be back for more. :) Thanks so much for putting so much thought and energy into the class, I really appreciate it!

Jason Schleifer @DreamWorks, Lead Animator

I wanted to pass along my thanks for the class. I can't tell you how much I learned, and also, how much it helped me to grow both as a person and as an artist. I really had no idea heading into the class how difficult 2-D animation was. I mean, is there anything you can do as draughtsman that is more challenging than traditional animation? That question is only half rhetorical, because if there is, I want to know what it is. In fact, I can admit this to you now that class is over, but there was a point during almost every assignment that I wanted to quit because I didn’t believe that I could do it. But somehow, I did manage to complete all the assignments. There is a part of me that still can’t quite believe it. Anyway, if you are interested, I wanted to share with you the biggest things I learned from the class. They are: a) You can do more than you believe you are capable of, b) If the assigned task seems overwhelming you have to break it into smaller pieces that individually seem manageable, c) For each task you are assigned, you must come up with a plan that both meets the requirements of the task and is also achievable in the allotted time. I also learned that there is a corollary to c), which is: d) Don’t worry, you are capable of finding the plan because more than one exists. Damn! That’s a lot! So, thanks!


I wanted to thank you again for the past few weeks and the time you took out of your busy schedule to help myself and others learn a bit more about this so called “FORCE” in illustrating. I am not sure if I showed a ton of progress, but I can assure you I am seeing and thinking very differently than I did before your class. I will admit, I read your book at least 20 times, but the class really brought things into focus! I was able to learn enough about FORCE to be dangerous and got some great insight from a legitimate industry professional who I’ve followed for over a decade. Lawrence I wanted to pass along my thanks for the class. I can't tell you how much I learned, and also, how much it helped me to grow both as a person and as an artist. Jon I found the class both informative and invigorating. It has been a real treat to have someone as knowledgeable and passionate as you to teach me and it has really helped me improve at an exponential rate. I will continue to apply and explore everything you have taught me so far and hope we meet again.
